Thursday 30 January 2014

Blott Artist's studio and Collective

Link to gallery
A selection of my original canvases are to be shown in a trendy/edgy Art gallery in Blackpool. I stumbled upon this place on Boxing Day and felt immediately at home there. It displays real art. Not absolutely sure what I mean by that but I mean it very strongly. The art it displays aren't just objects meant to be sold - they are objects meant to say something. I think I mean something like that only more so. Anyway, very exciting. I am vindicated and can now die.

Note to self.
Big exhibition coming in May/June. Need to work on more pieces so existential demise will have to wait.

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Location:Winery Lane,Preston,United Kingdom

New painting: Kurtz

Kurtz link
Kurtz is, of course, the nutter in 'Heart of darkness' or 'Apocalypse Now' for the hard of reading. I use him to illustrate the extremes of madness caused by looking too deeply and to long at the ego. An Amazonian background would be more fitting but I don't see the horror the early explorers report. I see the setting for ' I'm a celebrity ...' and other banalities. An industrial landscape is more fitting in my humble but final opinion.

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Location:Winery Lane,Preston,United Kingdom

Thursday 16 January 2014


New painting: Calvary New paintings link

The point of this painting is that the spectators at the crucifixion are looking beyond their ego discs at something bigger and more important than themselves. This rarely happens so I thought it was worth illustrating. The shock of apprehending the torture and death of the Son of God has destroyed their little life stories and they apprehend instead the life story of the Christian cosmos.

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Location:Winery Lane,Preston,United Kingdom

Saturday 11 January 2014

Over the worst of the man flu.

I'm slowly recovering, it has been touch and go. One last funnelly painting inspired from a lemsip induced delirium. A little like Coleridge's opium inspired visions but not so much. This is Ascension or Sermon on the mount or Calvary. Don't know yet.

This really will be the last one in this series for some time. I don't think they are good my mental health. I need to do something more traditional. Actually I've developed a visceral aversion to traditional so maybe not.

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Location:Victoria Road,Preston,United Kingdom

Thursday 9 January 2014

Forgot to post the link. Being near death evidently makes one forgetful. Hello

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Expressing the self as media object - and stuff

The painting is titled "Hello" and references the magazine. That's your lot. I have man flu and so am not long for this world. I also have raw nostrils. No one to look after me and, more importantly, no one to moan at.

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Location:Friargate,Preston,United Kingdom

Friday 3 January 2014

The Art of Suffering. Oh yes!

New painting, first of 2014.
Art of Suffering

Suffering in this context is of course Buddah's suffering which has more to with attachment to ego thoughts generated by the mind and less to do with stubbing a toe or watching the X factor. Obvious really. I can hear Siddhattha now. "What the *%$* is that thing?

Other news, I've just bought a blender. Note to self - must not get carried away.

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Location:Winery Lane,Preston,United Kingdom