Thursday 8 June 2023

Fermi Paradox Simulation Solution

The theme of the fifth book.  Instagram, Facebook and Twitter

The absence of aliens in our observation is proof we are in a simulation and also resolves the Fermi Paradox. An egocentric species like ours is unlikely to simulate alien life and worlds. We focus on ourselves and what we know. At the base level of reality (L1), the sky would teem with civilisations. There would be dark patches containing civilisations that have turned their back on the galactic community. Their simulation machines generating L2—a simulation of themselves—would likely not bother simulating a bright, active sky filled with benevolent beings. They've chosen self-simulation over galactic community. Consequently, each subsequent simulation level would lack life, just like the empty L2 sky. Just like our sky.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Lordy, I appear to be writing a book!

Yes,  in trying to think through the implications of the Ego Machine Symbol/Metaphor I have accumulated a lot of text and many images. If I carry on like this I shall have something that might as well be called a book unless you wanted to call it a large document in which case a dull argument would ensue. This is happening in parallel with development of the Ego Machine website whose content features largely in aforesaid document. Also, occasionally I pick myself up by the scruff of the neck and continue on the big self portrait I mentioned in an earlier post. I think the painting is too easy which is why I have to force myself to confront it. I like paintings which are going really badly because then they are a problem needing a solution. A sort of colourful Sodoku - not that I've ever tried Sodoku but you get the idea.  
The sketch above illustrates a rather literal interpretation of the Ego Machine symbol but it is informative for all that. What is commonly forgotten in the Ego Machine model is that the Ego has a voice. The funnel containing the eye stalks records onto the Ego Disc but also plays back previously recorded tracks in the same way that a needle plays back a vinyl record. Auditory vibrations played back from the record would, in this context, be heard from the mouth.  

Monday 11 January 2016

Yeah, I'm doing it but really slowly.

Lots of really tantalising and interesting stuff has happened recently in my personal life which has all but brought me to a stop in painting. But this Blog is about painting and not the reasons for not painting. What a tease. Xmas was a spectacular non-event. If the strength of the memory trace it left in my mind is anything to go by then Xmas did not happen. The New Year was notably peaceful also though I've made a resolution not to paint any more Ego Machines for a while. I'm going to strike out in a different direction once said direction recommends itself to me. It shouldn't be long now...

Self portrait of the Artist in progress

Sunday 20 December 2015

Enjoying this one

Yes, I'm really pleased with this one and I haven't even reached for a brush. Note the coffee on the floor. I now have an expresso machine and grind my own beans. All I require now is an Edwardian Cricketer's beard and I can go Hipster. Not sure Preston is ready.

Saturday 19 December 2015

Feverishly getting ready for the coming festivities - not!

I have my own way of dealing with Xmas which involves ignoring it like I would the outbursts of a drunk on the tube. Feeling very good and positive now which normally sets alarm bells ringing. I've started a nice big canvas based on the design below which is to be called 'Portrait of the Artist'. It's me painting the previous painting in my Preston flat! How much fun is that???!

Portrait of the Artist

The other exciting thing is the sudden creation of a sister website: which is designed to explore the existential implications of the Ego Machine symbolic metaphor. What does it feel like to reduce all man's activities to the aimless contortions of a simple mechanism. Yay!!

And a Merry Xmas to everyone!

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Interesting life right now

I'm working on the canvas below. Another ego machine. Am I obsessed? No - well yeah a bit. I need a significant content for a body of work called 'The Natural History of Consciousness'. It's going to be a narrative based on the growth and development of the Ego. A philosophical and metaphysical work which will make explicit the use of the Ego Machine as a symbolic metaphor for the human condition. Much the same content will form a wiki entry. There might also be a t-shirt design and possibly a badge but I haven't decided yet. 

Friday 20 November 2015

The first in ages. I'm back!

Yeah, so I haven't painted in a while for a variety of reasons. Much has happened since the last post but I don't feell much like going into it. This painting is based on a Picasso called Two Women Running on a Beach. It expressses joy and abandonment using the Ego Machine symbolic metaphor. Not appropriate right now as I have just spent the best part of two hours struggling with software. A contemporary Dante's Inferno circle of Hell would contain sotware designers who change things for no particular reason. Something with spikes comes to mind.