Sunday 23 March 2014

Three new paintings. Much productivity.

Link to recent paintings

I am forging ahead creating more objects of desire for the upcoming exhibition at the Blott gallery. To relieve the monotony of painting chimney stacks, fruits and funnelly things I painted a couple of self portraits. I got that out of my system at least. Tricky thing self portraits. Consensus is that I look too intense and angry. I'm in fact just concentrating lots. I did a prototype portrait of me smiling benignly but it looked as if I had special-needs. A smile just does not suit some faces. Another opinion was that I've made the hairline on one portrait too vigourous and thick. I remedied this in the subsequent portrait where I have shown the accurate thinning. I'm not sure how important this is but the comment came from a authoritative source. I tired of my face after two portraits and the third painting in the recent paintings section on the website (link above) is another industrial landscape painted in colours inspired by the American colourist Milton Avery. I am now reproducing the painting Preston sunrise on a really big canvas for the exhibition. It occurred to me the painting has drama and the drama could be increased by increasing the size of the canvas. As the painting has little detail this is tantamount to just increasing the size of the planes of colour as it is the colours which convey the emotion. It worked for Mark Rothko so it should work for me.

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Location:Fishwick Parade,Preston,United Kingdom

Sunday 9 March 2014

Yay!! My pictures are showing in a gallery!

Yes, my pictures are currently hanging in the Blott gallery with titles and price stickers and everything.

Just completed two more industrial settings - well one is new and the other is a reworked old. Already posted on my Facebook page but here is the link for those who missed them.

New painting link

The other is in the Preston section and is called 'Red walls'.

Just bought some clippers to cut my own hair. As I get older I find it more and more difficult to deal with chatty barbers. You cannot win. If you engage they chat all the more. If you don't they take it out on your hair. I'm going to get beaten up if grow another pony tail ( I used to have one in the 80s) so I shall have to wear it v. short from now on.

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Location:New Hall Lane,Preston,United Kingdom