Wednesday 20 January 2016

Lordy, I appear to be writing a book!

Yes,  in trying to think through the implications of the Ego Machine Symbol/Metaphor I have accumulated a lot of text and many images. If I carry on like this I shall have something that might as well be called a book unless you wanted to call it a large document in which case a dull argument would ensue. This is happening in parallel with development of the Ego Machine website whose content features largely in aforesaid document. Also, occasionally I pick myself up by the scruff of the neck and continue on the big self portrait I mentioned in an earlier post. I think the painting is too easy which is why I have to force myself to confront it. I like paintings which are going really badly because then they are a problem needing a solution. A sort of colourful Sodoku - not that I've ever tried Sodoku but you get the idea.  
The sketch above illustrates a rather literal interpretation of the Ego Machine symbol but it is informative for all that. What is commonly forgotten in the Ego Machine model is that the Ego has a voice. The funnel containing the eye stalks records onto the Ego Disc but also plays back previously recorded tracks in the same way that a needle plays back a vinyl record. Auditory vibrations played back from the record would, in this context, be heard from the mouth.  

Monday 11 January 2016

Yeah, I'm doing it but really slowly.

Lots of really tantalising and interesting stuff has happened recently in my personal life which has all but brought me to a stop in painting. But this Blog is about painting and not the reasons for not painting. What a tease. Xmas was a spectacular non-event. If the strength of the memory trace it left in my mind is anything to go by then Xmas did not happen. The New Year was notably peaceful also though I've made a resolution not to paint any more Ego Machines for a while. I'm going to strike out in a different direction once said direction recommends itself to me. It shouldn't be long now...

Self portrait of the Artist in progress