I can't seem to leave the funnelly theme alone. Not because the theme generates attractive images because they are butt ugly but because the symbolism so neatly portrays the human condition. It's like an exam crib or a mnemonic device for remembering the bones of the wrist. After memorising the image an alien could sit down and write an essay on what it's like to be human. This one has eyes and mouths torn from Heat and Hello magazine and pasted directly onto the canvas. Okay, the images are also slightly creepy; the creepiness is intended to suggest the feelings of alienation concomitant with a sudden awareness of the human condition. I need to get out more. I'll tackle the above design when I've finished the one below.
That's oil pastel on the page and not food. This canvas was intended to take me over the Xmas period but didn't. I celebrated the birth of Christ by making and ingesting enough food to choke a horse. Through a haze of food induced delirium I seem to remember watching a film about giant spiders and then becoming lost in the surrounding countryside in an attempt to walk off the delirium. Rather glad it's all over actually.