Saturday 15 February 2014

A historic moment for me!

First two of my paintings hanging in the Blott gallery for in 'situ shots'. I spoke to interesting guy who came to the gallery and who is an extreme fan of HP Lovecraft (and therefore can't be all bad) who said that I had done pretty well to get this far. He has Lovecraft's portrait tattooed on his arm which is courageous as his likeness is not commonly known and he was not a particularly good looking dude. I'm going to ask his permission to show said likeness and mention his name in a future blog. I am also a lifelong fan of Lovecraft's eldritch universe. Indeed one of my first paintings was my interpretation of the lurker on the threshold or the thing in on stairs or The thing which cannot be described .... I've actually forgetten which. It had many legs and a single red eye I seem to remember. Probably not the most appropriate author to be read to small children at bedtime but my father was also an enthusiastic Lovecraftian. I don't think it did me or my siblings any lasting damage.

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